Kanai's Jewelry - Ring of Royal Granduer so we can just keep 5 items of the set on.Kanai's Armor - Lefebre's Soliloquy for 50% damage reduction after Cyclone Strike.Kanai's Weapon - Balance is a must for 600% damage boost +100% crit chance when against 3 mobs or less.Boots - The Crudest Boots provides us with 10 mystic allies with 6 piece set.Shoulders - Mantle of Channeling provides 25% boost to damage and 25% reduced damage taken during Tempest Rush.Very helpful so you can spam Cyclone Strike a bit more. Helm - Laws of Seph provides up to 165 Spirit from Blinding Flash.Krysbin's provides 300% damage boost against CC'd targets

Rings - Obsidian Ring will provide constant CDR from Tempest Rush.Epiphany - You can choose Inner Fire for dps, Desert Shroud for survivability, or possibly Ascendance for the stun and 800% damage boost.You'll hit 3 stacks very quickly channeling Tempest Rush. Sweeping Wind (Inner Storm) - More passive spirit regen.Mystic Ally (Air Ally) - Passive + Active spirit generation is very useful.Also provides 800% damage boost from wrists due to freeze. Cyclone Strike (Wall of Wind) - Makes it easier to pull enemies to you.

( 2) Set: Increase the passive effect of your Mystic Ally and the base passive effect of your Mantra by 100%.